Join a leading MPL actuary for a discussion of the essential historical and current financial results of the MPL industry, highlighting the primary drivers behind the industry’s current capital position. Karls will explain how MPL companies get more from the data they hold to achieve better results. In addition, Karls will provide commentary on the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on the claim adjudication process. With a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying drivers of the industry’s financial condition, MPL company leaders can be aware of the particular metrics to watch in anticipation of eventual changes to the market.
Moderator: Nick Kalm , Founder and President , Reputation P artners , LLC
Panel:Ka therine A. E hmann, CPA , Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, OMS National Insurance Company , RRG Mich ele J. Johns , Executive Director Enterprise Risk and Insurance, Cleveland Clinic In an environment where news is distributed globally in a matter of seconds, the ability to manage crisis communications is more important than ever. Panelists will draw from recent experiences to talk about their response , from an operational perspective, to the COVID - 19 pandemic , and also how a hospitals responded to a challenging patient event . Pa nelists will provide key take - aways for a ttendees s o that they can improve their organization's response to any crisis.